So Inappropriate….Advertising Gone So Wrong!!

What makes for good advertising? Would it be to put something shocking out and hope for crowd approval, how about offensive, or maybe something that will appeal to all publics? That is a very difficult question to answer considering people find different things appealing and likeable. If you are from the Atlanta area, you have probably seen one of these billboards around. I know it was one on the way to Statesboro and it sparked a lot of controversy because no one understood how they could target one group of people when every race is guilty of abortions. Instead of making a generalization, which would have been more acceptable, an identified group of black people decided to target black people calling their babies endangered species. Whether you’re black, white, green, or purple, this billboard got the same reaction. Total disgust. I will let you all be the judge.

1 Comment »

  1. D Said:

    Species? Like they haven’t been insulted enough! They are human; that is their species. This ad is racist and ignorant!! The ignorance masks the message. Whoever did this needs to understand that African Americans are people and are no less than any other race/ethnicity. You need to be sued for this! Appalling!

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